Looking to exchange this coin? TheCoin.pw has recently setup a new cryptocurrency exchange were members can buy/sell this coin. Please visit TheCoin.pw Exchange for more details.
TheCoin.pw Florincoin (FLO) Scrypt Mining Pool!

Welcome and thank you for visiting. TheCoin.pw is a trusted mining pool provider for various cryptocurrencies all of which contain non mandatory pool fees and payout using the proportional payout method. Each TheCoin.pw mining pool provides members with a selection of multiple difficulty options (including a variable difficulty option) and enforce automatic payouts (each day at 00:00 UTC or when a members confirmed balance exceeds the set maximum threshold).

TheCoin.pw solely rely on member donations/advertising rewards to assist with ongoing costs related to the operation of all mining pools, please consider donating. We hope you enjoy this mining pool!

Pool Details
Coin Algorithm Scrypt
Payout System Proportional Payout
Pool Fee 0%
Donations Non-mandatory, selectable percentage between 0% - 100% (Default 2%)
Payout Options Automatic/Manual
Automatic Payout Frequency Processed daily at 00:00 UTC / or when a members confirmed balance exceed the mining pools threshold
Manual Payout Frequency Processed every 5 minutes
Automatic Withdrawal Fee 0.2 FLO
Manual Withdrawal Fee 0.1 FLO
Automatic Difficulty Options Automatic/Variable (1 - 1048576) Starts at difficulty 512 then automatically retargets
Manual Difficulty Options 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536, 131072, 262144, 524288, 1048576
Notable Pool Features Solid State Infrastructure, Stratum Support, DDoS Protection
Stratum Connection Details
Mining Difficulty Stratum Connection String
Automatic (Variable) stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3960
8 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3961
16 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3962
32 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3963
64 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3964
128 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3965
256 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3966
512 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3967
1024 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3968
2048 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3969
4096 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3970
8192 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3971
16384 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3972
32768 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3973
65536 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3974
131072 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3975
262144 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3976
524288 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3977
1048576 stratum+tcp://thecoin.pw:3978

Latest News
Mining Pool Wallet Upgraded
posted 04/28/2018 01:02:25

Members, please note that TheCoin.pw has upgraded the mining pools Florincoin wallet to version

In addition to the wallet upgrade TheCoin.pw had to reset the mining pool. All members with an outstanding balance were paid out before the mining pool was reset.

Automatic Payment Changes
posted 12/31/2017 21:56:47

TheCoin.pw has made modifications to the automatic payout option for this mining pool. From today automatic payments will be processed once daily, members exceeding the set minimum balance will be automatically credited using the coin address specified against the members account.

TheCoin.pw have enforced this change as a number of members were storing funds against their accounts.

We see this change as a security enhancement to the mining pool as we will no longer be storing large amounts of members unclaimed funds in the mining pools wallet.

Modifications to Terms and Conditions
posted 12/23/2017 11:21:50

TheCoin.pw would like to notify members of recent modifications to the terms and conditions of this website including its use, please visit Terms and Conditions to review changes.

These modifications are effective immediately. Your continued use of the mining pool following these modifications of the terms and conditions shall be deemed an acceptance of all modifications.

No Mining Hardware / Additional Hash Power
posted 09/29/2017 14:53:34

Would you like to mine this coin and don't have mining hardware? or maybe you would like add additional hash power without purchasing mining hardware. TheCoin.pw recommends using Mining Rig Rentals to connect to our mining pools, click the below image to start mining today.

Unfortunately over the last week TheCoin.pw has been a target​ to multiple DDoS attacks.

We have been working around the clock to secure our servers and now in the position to say we have mitigated the attacks. TheCoin.pw has upgraded its security to prevent these type of attacks from occurring again in the future.

Once again TheCoin.pw wishes to sincerely apologise to all of our members who experienced outages whilst these attacks were taking place. We really hope to see you mining again in the future.

Donations greatly appreciated
posted 04/25/2017 13:43:42

Like this mining pool? Why not donate to support ongoing costs to keep this mining pool operational.

Donations can be made to the following addresses:-

Bitcoin (BTC) - 16ZjQZ5ug2RimbqpeU4tLMtievFAG6Pudy
Florincoin (FLO) - FQUf7583pjNqWxRxhsug2hxt8aCojSqDjy

TheCoin.pw are trialling a new Florincoin mining pool, if enough interest is obtained we will consider retaining this mining pool.

The pool will remain active unless this mining pool falls idle and no blocks are located in over 60 days.